iPhone Mobile App Alert

The iPhone version of our Mobile App is temporarily experiencing issues with the new card management feature while using the most recent iOS 16.3.1 and 16.4 beta updates. We suggest you do not select the new “Cards” tab, as this will cause the app to crash. This issue does not affect iOS 16.3 or below, Android devices, or our online banking application e-Teller, which is accessible via our website.

Screenshot of iPhone app pointing to the "Cards" tab.

Access e-Teller on your mobile device

To access e-Teller on your mobile device

  1. Open your device browser, such as Chrome or Safari.
  2. Enter spiritofak.com
  3. Click the Login button, and enter your username and password.
  4. You will most likely need to enter a 2-step verification code to access e-Teller.
  5. Use e-Teller as needed.

We are working on a resolution as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience.