Youth Pocket Cache
We all have to be responsible with our money. Learning this skill is very valuable, which is why more parents and guardians are looking to find a youth checking account. With this type of account, any young person can familiarize themselves with the basics of paperless checking and working with a credit union.
This account is designed for teenagers 13-17 years old. Parents or legal guardians must be a joint owner on the Pocket Cache account. A customizable debit card is included, making this a great first checking account.
An account tailored to introducing young people to banking
- Comes with VISA debit card
- Online and mobile banking
- No monthly fee or minimum balance
- No minimum balance to open
- No limit on withdrawals
- Easy to access online statements
Thank you for coming and educating us about money, It really helped me think about how I could become more financially stable in my life.
- Colin H.Connect your Digital Wallet
Spirit of Alaska debit cards can be added to your digital wallet for quick and convenient payments. Purchasing has never been easier and smarter, whether using your phone at checkout or with one click online.
Read more about Digital Wallets
Connect to Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay
Parents and guardians are responsible for any activity on a minor’s Spirit of Alaska Youth Pocket Cache Debit Card, whether transactions are through a digital wallet or using the physical card.
Additional Information
Proof of Identity for a minor
We cannot open accounts for a minor without a proof of guardianship by the joint adult on the account. However, the parent or guardian’s name does not need to appear on the debit card.
Parent or legal guardian must provide a form of ID for the minor. Valid identification options include a state issued ID, passport, driver’s license or school ID card. State issued ID’s prior to a driver’s license can be obtained through the DMV.
Overdraft Protection Policy
Overdraft Protection is disabled by default on this account to protect minors from overdraft charges. Purchases with a debit card will be declined if they are over the amount available in the account. Overdraft transfers from a savings account can be setup, as long as there is money available in that savings account.
Over 5,000 branches through shared branching. NCUA insured up to $250,000.
Check depositories available at our branch ATM’s and Peger Road ATM.
Apple Pay is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC. Samsung Pay is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Account Type Min. Bal. to avoid fee Min. Bal. to Earn Dividends Dividend Rate APY* Youth Pocket Cache Checking
$0.00 N/A N/A N/A *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Current as of 30 March 2025. Refer to our Pricing Guide (PDF) for all fees.
Federal law requires us to verify all identities when opening new accounts. If you are applying with a joint applicant, their consent is implied when the application is submitted with the on-line loan application.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Whose name appears on the debit card?
Only the teenager’s name appears on the debit card, which provides a feeling of ownership and responsibility.
Does this account authorize overdraft charges?
No. Teenagers are never charged overdraft fees, and are opted out of overdraft protection and courtesy pay automatically. However, they can set up overdraft transfers from a savings account, as long as there is money available in that account. See our Overdraft Protection page for more information on overdraft transfers.
Can teens learn how to write checks with this account?
No, the Youth Pocket Cache Checking account is a paperless account, and does not allow for check writing.
What ages does this account work for?
Teenagers who are 13 years old can open a Pocket Cache checking account. Once they turn 18, we change the account to either E-Z Checking or Simple Checking.
Can teenagers check their account balances online?
Yes, teenagers can sign up for e-Teller! The sooner they learn how to manage their accounts responsibly, the more successful they will be in the future.
Whose name appears on the debit card?
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