Thank you to every member who brought in food for our school's food pantries! Check out some pictures below.
Here’s how YOU impacted our schools in 2018!
4th Quarter: October – December
Nordale Elementary
“The items you brought are perfect for the kids to put in their coat pockets. Thank you!” – Principal Powell

North Pole Middle School
Sarah Geer with Principal Richard Smith and 5 shopping bags of ready-to-eat food.

Ryan Middle School
Just down the road from our Gillam branch, the staff at Ryan Middle were so excited to receive 5 bags of ready-to-eat food.

3rd Quarter: June – September
Donations received from June – September were split between Barnette Magnet Elementary and Arctic Light Elementary
Barnette Magnet School
Dropping off a donation of 6 bags of food to Barnette Magnet.
Arctic Light Elementary
The staff at Arctic Light were so excited to see your donations. They had just run out of lunch items that day!
2nd Quarter: April – June
Donations received from April – June were split between Hunter Elementary and Joy Elementary.
Joy Elementary
“Thank you for supporting our Joy families by collecting food to hep stock our food pantry. It is greatly appreciated.” – Lalunie Whisenhant, Principal
“Thank you to our favorite people at our favorite credit union!” – Doug Lange

Hunter Elementary
“Thank you for the generous food pantry donation. Keeping our students fed and ready to learn is a priority for us. We could not do this without great community support. We truly appreciate you!” – Principal Bedford
Donation Statistics
- 65 packs of goldfish
- 182 applesauce packs
- 64 Oatmeal servings
- 516 Granola Bars
- 228 Fruit Snacks
- 47 Tuna snacks
- 6 Chicken salad snacks
- 1 Salmon snack
- 52 Mac & Cheese lunches
- 198 Fruit Cups
- 66 Cup-O-Noodles/Ramen
- 71 cracker snacks
- 89 Juice boxes
- 8 servings of tomato soup
- 6 breakfast shakes
- 44 servings of Beef Ravioli
- 14 servings of Beef Soup
- 64 servings of Chicken Soup
- 16 Peanut Butter To-Go Cups
- 5 Beenee Weenee cans
- 4 cans of Vienna Sausage
- 30 nut packets
- 28 packets of trail mix
- 22 Milk boxes
- 3 cans of carrots
- Box of Graham crackers
- 4 Rice-a-Roni lunches